2018 EDGE - Get It Girl Collective


The LA Design Festival created the EDGE Award to recognize recently emerged talent. By “emerged” we mean talented individuals who have received some exposure on the world stage but are still writing their own stories and determining their own paths. They’ve been tested and overcome hurdles. Through those experiences, they’ve found their own voices but they’re still exploring their potential.

EDGE candidates were nominated through a public process and selected by the LA Design Festival Board. By coincidence this year, the 2018 EDGE Awards recipients are all creative groups (couples and collaboratives).

You know that app that runners often use? The one that tracks how far they’ve run and lets them connect with other runners. It gently forces you to run to keep up with your friends’ mileage? Get it Girl Collective is basically the digital design version of that. Founded by four mostly LA-based women who all have ridiculously busy day jobs, Get it Girl is a collective of three illustrators and a producer who put pen to cintiq/canvas/wall to create personal work that spotlights the female experience. This gentle nudging occurs over long talks, tea and scones, and helps to keep all of them making the art that they want to see in the world. Their collective efforts put them to work on projects and in mediums that spark their interest and take them out of their comfort zones. In short, they force each other to create, and we get to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Meet Get it Girl Collective on Saturday, June 9 at the Scout Books Drink & Draw in the Workshop Space (132) from 4pm to 6pm. Get down to beatsby Anne Denson and doodle with the Girls.

Amelia Giller
Amelia Giller is an animator and illustrator living in LA. Her work focuses on unusual characters, feminism and silliness. She holds a MFA from the prestigious John C. Hench Division of Animation and Digital Art at the University of Southern California. Her clients include Teen Vogue, Dove, Time Inc., and Nickelodeon, among others. She also sells enamel pins, prints and t-shirts online and in retails stores including Need Supply Co, TenOverSix, and One of a Few.

Audrey Lee
Audrey Lee is an LA native, illustrator and designer. Her work is highly influenced by her love of color, shapes, people watching, and the vibrant spirit of Los Angeles. Her design ranges in different variations from highly illustrative to very minimal pieces. She enjoys playing with these different styles and continues to explore these methods in her personal and professional work. A graduate of Otis College of Art and Design, she majored in Concept Design where she learned the labor of love of the visual development process and the high standards of the art industry. Over the years, her clients include Apple, Google, Facebook, Lyft, McDonald’s and Goleada Ecologica.

Xoana Herrera
Xoana Herrera is a senior illustrator and graphic designer from Argentina. She graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and is currently based in LA. Her work can primarily be seen in Buck Design’s animated TV and web spots, as well as on her personal website and online portfolios. She defines her style by the delicate use of geometric shapes that create joyful characters and colorful backgrounds. Before landing in LA, she worked for a number of different studios in both Argentina and Europe. Her passion for illustration and her exquisite taste makes her one of the most promising artists in the motion graphics world.

Kaitlyn Mahoney
Kaitlyn Mahoney is an Aussie producer pushing paper, crafting mighty emails and making magic — now in Portland, OR! She loves to work with artistic people on all types of creative endeavors to help make their vision a reality... on budget and on time! She has produced for major design and animations studios in both the US and Australia, as well as collaborating on various independent projects (and love jobs!) You can rely on her to command-S like a pro.

Photos and artwork courtesy of Get It Girl Collective


2018 EDGE - Poketo


2017 EDGE - Tuesday Bassen