Design for the people



If the past two years were a reaction to the pandemic, and tectonic social, economic, and political shifts, then 2022 is THE year of resilience.

We’re all coming to the realization that there is no going “back.” And perhaps, that is not necessarily a bad thing? We can only move forward into a new post-pandemic world where all industries, all cities, all societies, and all places on earth are touched by challenges and the driving need to adapt and transform. LA Design Festival asks all participants and organization to embrace this idea of intrinsic and fundamental change. How can we proactively address this global shift and adapt collectively? What does change mean to you?


“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

- Steve Jobs -


“I think works of art—any form of culture—have the capability to give people a certain hope and passion and belief and conviction that nothing else can.”

- Shirin Neshat -


“What's the world for if you can't make it up the way you want it?”

- Toni Morrison -




LA Design Festival is a citywide series of events that celebrate our city's diverse design culture and heritage. Founded in 2011, the LA Design Festival draws close to 20,000 visitors over the course of four days. Our mission is to shine a light on Los Angeles as a global design capital.

In 2022, LA Design Festival micro-events will be held from throughout the latter half of 2022. We will return to our normal IRL format in 2023.


Media Impact



total media impressions in 2020

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combined followers across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

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unique website visitors per month in 2020

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newsletter subscribers


2022 Sponsorship



As a corporate sponsor of the LA Design Festival, brands can connect directly with LA's robust and ever-growing design communities, consumers, practitioners and professionals.

Sponsorships range from $1,500 to $15,000 and can include in-kind contributions.

Sponsorship can be customized per each sponsor's marketing and brand goals.


Human Scale Installations


Los Angeles is blessed with warm weather and lots of underutilized public spaces and could emerge as a leading post-pandemic city. LA Design Festival invites corporate brands, architects, designers, and other creative groups to create a series of outdoor experiential design installations that explore the idea of Design for the Change.  Let’s show the world how LA is on the forefront of reimagining public space.  These could include benches, interactive sculptures, pop-up parklets, ephemeral streetscapes, inflatable architecture, etc.

Brand Sponsorship - $10,000

Sponsors are responsible for production costs associated with their installation

Independent Designers

Designers must submit their proposals for approval by April 15, 2021, and are responsible for production costs associated with their installation


Virtual Tours


LA Design Festival will debut an updated new website that will feature virtual studio and home tours.  A pandemic-safe way to peek inside some of LA’s most notable design ateliers and private residences.

Sponsored Tours - $4000

LA Design Festival’s Design, etc. production team creates a high-quality multimedia package that includes a pre-taped video tour and podcast interview.

Participant Produced Tours - $250

Organizers are responsible for submitting their event proposals by April 15, 2021. Once approved, organizers are responsible for producing their virtual events to LA Design Festival guidelines.


Virtual talk series


In 2021, the LA Design Festival Design, etc. Speaker Series will feature an array of conversations with thought leaders and change-makers.

Daily Plenary - $4000

A third-party production company will professionally produce and manage daily plenaries, including recording, and post-production.

Participant Produced Conversations - $250

Organizers are responsible for submitting their event proposals by April 15, 2021. Once approved, organizers are responsible for producing their virtual events to LA Design Festival guidelines.


Pop-Up Vitrine


A series of stationary and secure display vitrines arranged to create an ephemeral design neighborhood.  These vitrines will be arranged in an urban environment for public viewing.

Vitrines - $15,000

Pop-up vitrines are designed and produced by Liqui Design Group.  Sponsors are responsible for installing and de-installing the interiors of the vitrines and managing all aspects of display (lighting, etc.)  Each vitrine is constructed of plywood and plexiglass.


Design block party


LA Design Festival presents the virtual Design Block Party, co-presented by We Must Be Bold.This online experiential event will break the moldon what we’ve come to expect from the ubiquitous Zoom party.  Interactive creative programming, special IRL boxes, and all the fun that you’ve been missing in the virtual world.

Exclusive Sponsorship - $5000

Co-presenting honors and visibility, special programming

IRL Boxes - In-Kind

Designer products across the range to be included in the IRL Boxes to select Design Block Party ticket holders for special interactive, multi-sensory programming.


Design, etc. podcast


Sponsor an episode or a series of four episodes featuring the most notable designers, design thinkers, and up and coming designers who are on the vanguard of design for change.

Series Sponsorship - $4000

A comprehensive media package of four episodes including audio, video, and blog content.

Design, etc. ranks 148th in the Design category in Canada, and 177th in the United States according to the Apple Podcast Rankings.


The Great Discontent


In 2021, the LA Design Festival is partnered with The Great Discontent to create the first-ever LA Book featuring the most exciting voices in design. The special issue will be available online and through local LA hospitality partners with a first run of 10,000.

Spread Print Advertisement - $5000

Full Page - $2500


Presenting sponsor


A singular presenting sponsorship is available and includes the following benefits:

Exclusive Presenting Sponsorship - $50,000

1 Marquis Installation by Town & Concrete ($20K)
2 Pop-Up Vitrines by Liqui Design Group ($30K)
2-Page Spread Ad in The Great Discontent LA Book ($2500)
4-Episode Series on Design, etc. ($4000)
1 Daily Plenary/Keynote Conversation ($4000)
3 Dedicated E-mails Newsletters (15K subscribers)
Co-Presenting Honors for Design Block Party
Exclusive credit in all signage, social media, advertising, and press outreach